How to See Samba Shares on a Windows 10 Network

wsdd is a service by christgau on GitHub, which implements a Web Service Discovery host daemon for Ubuntu. This enables Samba hosts to be found by Web Service Discovery Clients like Windows 10.

If you are experiencing any issues with this service, please let us know in the comments or submit an issue on GitHub.

Change to /tmp directory.

cd /tmp

Download and unzip the archive.



Rename to wsdd.

sudo mv wsdd-master/src/ wsdd-master/src/wsdd

Copy to /usr/bin.

sudo cp wsdd-master/src/wsdd /usr/bin

Copy wsdd to /etc/systemd/system.

sudo cp wsdd-master/etc/systemd/wsdd.service /etc/systemd/system

Open wsdd.service in nano and comment out User=nobody and Group=nobody with a ; semicolon.

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/wsdd.service
Description=Web Services Dynamic Discovery host daemon
; Start after the network has been configured
; It makes sense to have Samba running when wsdd starts, but is not required

ExecStart=/usr/bin/wsdd --shortlog
; Replace those with an unprivledged user/group that matches your environment,
; like nobody/nogroup or daemon:daemon or a dedicated user for wsdd
; User=nobody
; Group=nobody
; The following lines can be used for a chroot execution of wsdd.
; Also append '--chroot /run/wsdd/chroot' to ExecStart to enable chrooting
;ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/install -d -o nobody -g nobody -m 0700 /run/wsdd/chroot
;ExecStopPost=rmdir /run/wsdd/chroot


Save and exit (press CTRL + X, press Y and then press ENTER)

Start and enable wsdd.

sudo systemctl start wsdd
sudo systemctl enable wsdd


Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → /etc/systemd/system/wsdd.service.

Now check that the service is running.

sudo service wsdd status


wsdd.service - Web Services Dynamic Discovery host daemon
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/wsdd.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Wed 2020-06-10 10:51:39 CEST; 8s ago
Main PID: 40670 (python3)
Tasks: 1 (limit: 6662)
Memory: 10.8M
CGroup: /system.slice/wsdd.service
└─40670 python3 /usr/bin/wsdd --shortlog

jun 10 10:51:39 ubuntu systemd[1]: Started Web Services Dynamic Discovery host daemon.
jun 10 10:51:40 ubuntu wsdd[40670]: WARNING: no interface given, using all interfaces

You should now be able to browse your Ubuntu machines and Samba shares in the Windows 10 file explorer. You may need to restart the Windows 10 machines to force discovery.

You may also want to reboot the Ubuntu server just to make sure the wsdd service starts up automatically without issue.
How to Uninstall wsdd

If you want to completely uninstall wsdd, stop and disable the service.

sudo systemctl stop wsdd
sudo systemctl disable wsdd

Remove wsdd from /usr/bin.

sudo rm /usr/bin/wsdd

Remove service file.

sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/wsdd.service

How do I shut down a workstation via Remote Desktop?

depending on the setup of your windows try the 2 solutions:

Ctrl+Alt+End This should be the same as Ctrl+Alt+Del and consequently takes you to a dialog where you can do various system-type things, among them logging off and shutting down.

Another trick is to click on the desktop and press Alt+F4. This will call up the shutdown dialog, where you get the usual shutdown options like “Shut down”, “Shut down without installing updates”, “Restart”, “Stand by”, and “Hibernate”.