What to do when you just get the urge to watch a DVD movie?
well over time i discarded alle my DVD players and went on using Popcorn Hour A110/WD TV Live Media players
I discovered the project called DVDReadFS The project enables a machine to read a DVD and remove the macro vision on the fly,
first i installed the following packages:
libdvdcss, fuse and the fuse-devel packages
then followed the guide at DVDReadFS for compiling DVDReadFS, i ended up making a permanent mount point in /etc/fstab
dvdreadfs#/dev/hdd /mnt/dvd1 fuse ro,kernel_cache,allow_other 0 0
I then shared the mount point in samba. Now the only thing i need to do when i wanna watch a DVD movie is to drop a DVD in the drive and open the share on my media player
i will post some more installation details when i will me making my small networked DVD player, using a VIA C7 and a old DVD drive built into a discarded Cambridge CD audio case that i will modify, to fit the PC and drive.
to be updated!.